Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Chez Dodo - SW 5th and Stark - Indian, Chinese, French, and Creole

Today, I got a free cold shower on my way out to get lunch... made a run to an ATM, and stopped at a new cart, "Chez Dodo," which occupies the former Give Pizza a Chance cart.

"Mauritian food" is the term for the blend of Indian, Chinese, French, and Creole food represented.

They had a warmly inviting overhang out front, under which I was able to escape the torrential downpour. I was greeted with a big smile from everyone inside, and promptly ordered what caught my eye in the first place -- the lamb curry, served with pan-fried noodles.

I was informed they also had venison available, and I was given a very generous sample in a small container to try, while I waited for mine to be prepared.

WOW. It was fantastic. Just the right spiciness, it wasn't greasy at all. Noodles, peas, lima beans, carrots, and ground venison that was moist and delicious.

The lamb of the same ilk, my main meal, did not disappoint. Now I'm very curious to try out their other offerings.

Vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and carnivore options are available. Dholl Puri flat bread, pan fried noodles, curry sauce, check out their page on Facebook: Chez Dodo

I seriously was given enough food for 2-3 meals, making it quite worth the asking price when I consider that I'll be having this again for lunch tomorrow and there still might be some left.
Check out Chez Dodo!

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